Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pharmacology Bites

So here I am procrastinating. Avoiding doing my pharmacology assignment. What do I care about the pharmacokinetic parameters of flucloxacillin huh? But oh well, it's gotta get's 20% of my pharma final.

Anyway, nothing much interesting going on over here. I guess that's why I havn't really blogged lately. I guess the highlight of my day has been drinking decaffeinated coffee.. sad really... the real stuff ran out last week.

So the dentistry students are having a party this thursday night... it's called APHRODENT. It's this greek theme. The posters have a greek statue of a god holding out a toothbrush. Really good idea actually. It's supposed to be an after-exams party, so I hope they have a good turn-out. Wow, this blog is so incredibly boring. It's amazing how you people still keep on reading it.

So today in PBL, the doc went over her clinical questions from the exam and she said that most pepole in the room did well. As she said this I think she looked at me, and I think I squirmed. See, I did horribly on her questions. *BIG SIGH* I hope that the ones I did manage to answer weren't so horrible. But still... anatomy was terrible on the whole.

On saturday night, me and a few friends slept over at my friend's house and I don't know why, but I dreamnt that I passed my biochemistry exam. Oh, and it's really embarassing actually. I had my period at the time and so obviously I took you know what with me. And when I got back home... I couldn't find them!! I hope I didn't leave them there... I guess if my friend was a girl it wouldn't have been bad at all..but it's actually a HE. Oh well, it's not like I'm gonna ask him if I left them there. "Hey dude, did you happen to find, erm, pads in your bathroom by any chance? Cos yeah I might have left them there." And it's funny cos whenever I leave his house after we've studied or whatever I usually tell him, "So if you find anything that I left just tell me k?" Good thing I didn't mention it that day.

Ooooookkkk..back to some pharma..enough procrastinating.

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