Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Soft Tissue Discovered in Dinosaur Bones

Most of us are familiar with the occasional studies in newspapers and over the Internet that state of blood leftovers and soft tissue being establish in dinosaur bones. These studies are not mere guess but are based on echt determinations that are reported by mainstream scientists.

The studies travel on to advert that the men of science were surprised to happen such as tissue preserved in ancient bones. One study carried by MSNBC on March 24, 2005 was titled Scientists retrieve T. Rex soft tissue: 70-million-year-old dodo outputs preserved blood vessels. Notice that the statute title incorporates the premise that the "fossil" was 70 million old age old.

The facts of the scientific discipline of biochemistry collide very violently with the paleontologist's premise that the T. Rex castanets are that old. The soft tissue in the castanets strongly infers that they are no more than than respective one thousands of old age old. This bends the evolutionary paradigm on its head.

The soft tissue, including blood vas walls, are composed of protein. Biochemicals such as as proteins are notoriously unstable and dislocation rapidly. These biochemicals have got short continuance spans in almost any conceivable environment.

Proteins are extremely big molecules consisting of 100s of aminic acids arranged in precise sequence. When an animate being is buried its organic structure is attacked by bacteria, many assortments of which can boom in an anoxic (oxygen free) environment.

All proteins are broken down and digested by the bacteria. If that weren't adequate the encompassing dirt or sand that covered the animate being also infiltrates the organic structure structures.

Petrification happens when silicon oxide from the encompassing soil or sand comes in the castanets and essentially replaces the os with silicon oxide which hardens to go stone. Petrifaction can happen very rapidly under the right statuses such as as under hot volcanic ash.

You may be surprised to larn that very few dinosaur castanets are actually petrified. Most incorporate the original Ca and P that was present when the dinosaur was alive. Most dinosaur castanets were not examined to seek to happen soft tissue remnants.

However in recent decennaries there have got been many finds of well preserved dinosaur bones. Blood leftovers and soft tissue have been establish in some of these bones. The happens have got got been reported by men of science who are evolutionists.

The finds of blood or soft tissue have been so numerous it is beyond the range of this article to item them all.

The happen that was reported by MSNBC mentioned above have to make with a Tyrannosaur Rex leg os that was broken so it could be lifted by helicopter. When the research workers noticed how well preserved it was they sent parts of it to Dr. Virgin Mary Schweitzer, an evolutionist who was well known for her work on determination leftovers of haemoglobin in dinosaur castanets from an earlier find.

She dissolved the os samples in a solution of the chemical EDTA which dissolved away the difficult Ca and freed the soft tissue within. The tissue from the dinosaur os was seen to be unmistakably flexible.

The article "Answering expostulations to creationist 'dinosaur soft tissue' age arguments" by Drs. Carl Wayland and Saint David Menton in the diary "TJ, the in depth diary of CREATION" 19(3) 2005 explicates Schweitzer's method and even have photos of the soft tissue that was recovered from the T. Rex bone. Interestingly the esteemed evolutionist diary Science also have detailed articles on this and other discoveries of soft tissue in dinosaur bones.

Soft tissue in dinosaur castanets is just portion of the growth organic structure of scientific grounds that bespeaks that the Earth is young. The earth's age is not billions or even millions of old age old but strong grounds infers that it is less than 10 thousand old age old. I believe the grounds points to the earth's age being within the 6,000 twelvemonth clip span recorded in the Bible.

Sadly the development oriented men of science have got downplayed the significance of the data. Some palaeontologists have got got claimed that soft tissue could have been preserved under the right statuses for 65 million years. Such a long saving is unreasonable according to creationist Dr. Carl Wayland who entreaties to the apparent facts of biochemistry.

The fact that biochemicals are unstable and would degrade rapidly is well established in mainstream science. See the article "Instability and decay of the primary construction of DNA" by T. Lindahl in Nature 362(6422):709-715, 1993.

The evolutionists, to their credit, have got faithfully reported the findings. Yet most have got not abandoned the multibillion-year-old earth paradigm. The old Earth paradigm is very deep-rooted in everything from texts to the mentality of college faculties.

Soft tissue in dinosaur castanets clearly points to immature Earth and hence not adequate clip for development to occur. Development itself should thus be abandoned. Most evolutionists have got simply circled the wagons, made minor accommodations in their conception of fossilisation and gone on as if nil happened.

It is a familiar pattern. Strong scientific grounds fatal to development come ups along, evolutionists do minor accommodations and then claim that scientific discipline is unfastened minded and ego correcting. Of course, in this lawsuit scientific discipline have not corrected itself enough.

The forsaking of development would be the proper rectification of science. The function of the man of science is to travel where the grounds leads. In the lawsuit of blood leftovers and soft tissue in dinosaur castanets the grounds clearly points to immature earth.

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